Wheel of Fortune to Roll into Conway November 14-15!

Wheel of Fortune to Roll into Conway

KATV and the Conway Advertising and Promotion Commission are excited to announce that Wheel of Fortune’s Wheelmobile is coming to Conway on November 14 and 15.

The 32-foot Winnebago will pull into the Don Owen Sports Center from 4pm-8pm on Friday, November 14, and on Saturday, November 15. Three shows will occur at 4:00 pm, 5:30 pm, and 7:00 pm. During those times, Arkansans will be given the opportunity to audition for the game show.

Wheel of Fortune is the most popular game show on television. The show has dominated its time slot in Arkansas ratings for years.

“We are extremely pleased that Conway was selected as the location for the auditions,” said Kathy Wyrick, vice president of marketing for the Conway Area Chamber of Commerce. “With the popularity of the show, we expect a tremendous turnout. Based on the information I have received, it will be a fun event for all attendees,” Wyrick added.

People who come to the Wheelmobile event and fill out an application will be eligible for a tryout, determined by a random drawing. Those selected will be brought up to the stage and interviewed. Those contestants will then play a version of the Wheel of Fortune Speed-Up Round. All contestants who make it on stage will receive a prize, and all will be evaluated as potential contestants on the show. Producers will be looking for enthusiasm, energy and fun. If any contestants are selected for final auditions, producers will contact them directly at another time.