White County Medical Center Announces Associate of the Quarter

White County Medical Center associates have selected Nellie Evans, Communications Representative, as the Associate of the Quarter for the first quarter of 2013. WCMC administrative representatives recently surprised Evans with the announcement.

 WCMC President/CEO Ray Montgomery said Evans serves as “the face of White County Medical Center South Campus,” where she has worked for 20 years.

White County Medical Center President/CEO Ray Montgomery presents Nellie Evans, Communications Representative, with a bouquet of flowers during her surprise announcement on being named the Associate of the Quarter for the first quarter of 2013.

White County Medical Center President/CEO Ray Montgomery presents Nellie Evans, Communications Representative, with a bouquet of flowers during her surprise announcement on being named the Associate of the Quarter for the first quarter of 2013.

“It is an honor to be selected as associate of the quarter,” Nellie said. “I count it a privilege to work at WCMC and feel that we have some of the best employees around. I enjoy working with and helping others to get their job done as a team effort. I feel so blessed to have been given this honor.”

 Attributes of the Associate of the Quarter include high values, a positive attitude and sense of professionalism. Evans reflects the core values of the hospital: integrity, teamwork, compassion, excellence, stewardship, innovation and servanthood.

 The following comments were made by fellow associates who nominated her: “Nellie is great with training new workers, she’s very patient and goes over everything; she checks each and every admittance on the South Campus; she has a lot of pride in her work; Nellie is loved and adored by all that work with her.”