46% of High Priority Adults Plan to Skip the H1N1 Vaccine

46% of High Priority Adults Plan to Skip the H1N1 Vaccine
Zogby Interactive Survey Finds Concern Over Vaccine Safety Cited As Top Reason
Please direct all media inquiries and interview requests for Zogby International President and CEO John Zogby to Stephanie DeVries at 315-624-0200, Ext. 273 or steph@zogby.com

Utica, NY – As the H1N1 swine flu vaccine becomes increasingly available, 46% of adults who are considered by the CDC to be members of high priority groups plan to ignore the CDC’s recommendation for vaccination. The Zogby International interactive survey also finds that the top reasons high risk adults plan to skip the vaccine include concern over the safety of the vaccine (38%) and a general sense that they simply do not need the vaccine (32%).

Similar percentages of all adults surveyed nationwide fear the safety of the vaccine (32%) and also feel they do not need the vaccine (30%). Sixty-two percent of adults surveyed plan to skip the H1N1 vaccine; lead by Republicans (74%) and independents (68%), who are much more likely than Democrats (45%) to skip the vaccine. Southerners (69%) are also more inclined than adults who live in other areas to skip the vaccine, about 10 points higher than adults in other regions. Adults who identify themselves as Born Again Christians are also more likely (69%) to skip the vaccine than non-Born Again Christians (55%).

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