Healthcare Sets Battle Lines For Mid-term Elections

UTICA, NY - In an opinion/editorial piece published today on the BBC pollster John Zogby lays out the political ramifications of last night's passage of the healthcare reform plan. Here is an excerpt: With the passage of healthcare reform, the battle lines are firmly drawn for the … [Read more...]

O Holy Night Tops the Charts

Utica, NY -- Americans prefer signs that it's Christmas starting the day after Thanksgiving, with 59% of adults saying they like to see Christmas lights on homes, store displays, and hear Christmas tunes on the radio the day after Thanksgiving and no sooner, according to a new Zogby … [Read more...]

46% of High Priority Adults Plan to Skip the H1N1 Vaccine

46% of High Priority Adults Plan to Skip the H1N1 Vaccine Zogby Interactive Survey Finds Concern Over Vaccine Safety Cited As Top Reason Please direct all media inquiries and interview requests for Zogby International President and CEO John Zogby to Stephanie DeVries at 315-624-0200, Ext. 273 or … [Read more...]

Zogby Interactive: Voters Say Obama’s Deliberation on Afghan Troop levels Show Weakness

UTICA, New York - A Zogby Interactive poll of nearly 2,300 likely voters conducted from Nov. 4-6 found a plurality (48%) saying President Obama's deliberations on whether to increase Afghan troop levels showed weakness on his part, rather than strength. The survey also showed 73% both saying … [Read more...]

Zogby Interactive: Obama Job Approval on Healthcare Legislation Sits At 39%

UTICA, New York - As the United States Senate prepares to vote on its version of the healthcare bill, likely voters show a strong dissatisfaction with both major political parties.  President Obama has the highest job performance rating with regard to healthcare reform legislation of the five … [Read more...]

Zogby Interactive: Loss of Democrats’ Support Helps Bring Obama Job Approval Down to 42%

Several Core Constituencies Souring on Obama Please direct all media inquiries and interview requests for Zogby International President and CEO John Zogby to Stephanie DeVries at 315-624-0200, Ext. 273 or UTICA, New York - President Barack Obama's job approval … [Read more...]