Zogby Interactive: Obama Job Approval on Healthcare Legislation Sits At 39%

UTICA, New York – As the United States Senate prepares to vote on its version of the healthcare bill, likely voters show a strong dissatisfaction with both major political parties.  President Obama has the highest job performance rating with regard to healthcare reform legislation of the five politicians and parties tested, a paltry 39% approval.

President Obama still holds a healthy positive approval on the issue of healthcare among his base – 74% positive among Liberals and 73% positive among Democrats.  The President’s performance on healthcare is also rated positively by half of all Moderates (50%), though 47% rate his performance as negative.

Congressional Republicans and Democrats fare much worse, even among their own base of supporters, with each group receiving a positive rating from fewer than one-in-five likely voters.  Only one-in-three Conservatives (34%) rate Congressional Republicans performance as “excellent” or “good,” while two-in-three Conservatives (65%) rate the performance “fair” or “poor.”  Congressional Democrats receive similar ratings from Liberals (38% positive, 59% negative).

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