(Above) Bob does a pep talk with some young future radio announcers (Above) Great Petit Jean Hot Dogs and Pepsi for all (Above) David Wilkerson owner of Factory Return Outlet is always ready to help (Above) David Thompson enjoys a day off from Thompson Jewelry (Above) Great deals on … [Read more...]
Main Street Batesville Receives Accrediation
MAIN STREET BATESVILLE RECEIVES 2009 NATIONAL MAIN STREET ACCREDIATION Main Street Batesville has been designated an accredited National Main Street Program for meeting the commercial district revitalization performance standards set by the National Trust Main Street Center. Each year, the … [Read more...]
KFFB at Thompson’s Jewelry was a great success!
(Above) KFFB at Thompson Jewelry Downtown Batesville (Above) Curtis Thompson showing some folks the latest (Above) David Thompson helping folks with the bargains (Above) Roger talking over the great deals with the customers (Above) Rich and Fred taking a break during the live broadcast … [Read more...]