Payton Chevrolet Buick Truck Giveaway was a success

(Above) Fred Allen and Rich take time out for a picture
(Above) Shawn and Bob talk deals
(Above) Lots of other giveaways
(Above) Crowd gathers
(Above) Kellie and Shawn sign in the finalists
(Above) Boots and Ol Payton
(Above) Crowd waits for their name to be called
(Above) Time for the First Drawing
(Above) Food, Fun and Fellowship
(Above) Justin helps move the 55 TV for the parking lot party
(Above) Folks watch the Razorback game on the porch
(Above) Petit Jean Hot Dogs and Pepsi for everyone
(Above) Time for the 2nd Drawing
(Above) Paula and Ronnie win the prize pack
(Above) Mary was the winner of the Truck as Bob talks live on the radio
(Above) John Payton takes time out for a picture and Mary