(Above) Fred Allen and Rich take time out for a picture(Above) Shawn and Bob talk deals(Above) Lots of other giveaways(Above) Crowd gathers(Above) Kellie and Shawn sign in the finalists(Above) Boots and Ol Payton(Above) Crowd waits for their name to be called(Above) Time for the First Drawing(Above) … [Read more...]
Payton Chevrolet Buick Truck Giveaway was a success
October 23, 2010 by Cotton Rohrscheib
Filed Under: Entertainment, Local News, Remotes / Events, Top News Stories Tagged With: Fred Arnoald, John Payton, Justin Payton, Kellie Goodall, kffb on location at Payton Cheverolet, Rich and Allen Cahill, Shawn Gorham
KFFB at Heber Springs State Bank’s 90 Years of Service Celebration 7 City Tour
May 30, 2009 by Cotton Rohrscheib

(Above) KFFB at Heber Springs State Bank Vilonia (Above) Bob Connell and Carolyn Dent and Alexis Farmer Talk on the Air (Above) Carolyn Dent Manager (Above) Alexis Farmer (Above) Folks Gather for punch and cake (Above) KFFB at Heber Springs State Bank Rosebud (Above) Holly Bob and Tom talk … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Local News, Remotes / Events Tagged With: Aaron Rackley, Alexis Farmer, Alice Johnson, Andrea Carlton, Barbra Lynch, Becky Burrough, Bill Lynch, Bob Connell, Brandon Davis, Carolyn Dent, Cheryl Golden, Cindy Davis, Deloris Wells, Emily Rackley, Hannah Smith, heber springs state, Heber Springs State Bank Drasco, Heber Springs State Bank Fairfield Bay, Heber Springs State Bank Greers Ferry, Heber Springs State Bank of Heber Springs, Heber Springs State Bank Quitman, Heber Springs State Bank Rose Bud, Heber Springs State Bank Vilonia, Holly Honnicutt, Ina Brown, Jeff Lynch, Jessie Huffman, Kami Sutterfield, Kathy Owen from Heber Springs State Bank, Keenea henderson, Kellie Goodall, Kim Ezell, Kim James, Lorie McAfee, Louis Short of the Suntimes, Marilyn Wright (Executive Director of the Heber Springs Area Chamber), Mildred Morehart, Nelda Kennedy, Pat Moore, RICKY DAVIS, Robbie Phillips Manager, Shaun Connell, Tom Olmstead, Tonja Ott, Tracy McGuirt, Vicky Carlton, Whitney Smith