(Above) Fred Allen and Rich take time out for a picture(Above) Shawn and Bob talk deals(Above) Lots of other giveaways(Above) Crowd gathers(Above) Kellie and Shawn sign in the finalists(Above) Boots and Ol Payton(Above) Crowd waits for their name to be called(Above) Time for the First Drawing(Above) … [Read more...]
KFFB at the 9th Annivasry Celebration at FL Davis in Heber
(Above) KFFB on Location at FL Davis in Heber Springs (Above) Bob Connell and Scott (With FL Davis) talk deals (Above) Great food (Above) Lots of door prizes (Above) Great fun (Above) Folks cash in on the deals (Above) Fred, Rich and Allen (Above) Lot of food and fun (Above) More … [Read more...]
KFFB 106.1 FM at Sugarloaf 66 in Heber Springs was a Success
(Above) KFFB 106.1 FM at Sugarloaf 66 in Heber Springs April 11, 2009 (Above) Lots of Cars for the Car Show (Above) More Classic Cars (Above) Rich and Allen Cahill sign folks up for prizes … [Read more...]